Sandy Litt
B.Sc., Dip.Ed., Dip.App.Psych., Dip.Hyp., MASH

Sandy Litt is Director/ Psychologist of Glenelg Psychology, a well-established private psychology practice which provides therapy and hypnotherapy for a broad range of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD and dissociative disorders. Sandy provides psychological and intellectual assessments as well as providing assessment, diagnosis and treatment to children, teenagers and adults. He has also provided medico-legal reports and given expert witness testimony.

He has taught, trained and supervised numerous psychology students/trainees. From 1988 to 2010, Sandy took on two students every two years for supervised experience towards full registration. This took place while also having at least two students each year for minor placements, agency visits and third year university psychology students on placement.

Sandy was also asked to serve as an examiner/assessor for a Master’s of Psychology (Clinical) thesis for University of South Australia on Dissociative Disorders, because of his expertise in that field, as well as being a lecturer in the Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy for many years.

About Sandy

Sandy Litt was born and raised in South Australia, and was educated at both Adelaide and Flinders University. He began working with children from the onset of his career, where he specialised and became a Child Psychologist under the guidance of Dr Marie O’Neill. Sandy has undertaken over six years of study and training and continually updates his knowledge through additional training every year.

Sandy is Director/Psychologist of Glenelg Psychology, a well-established private psychology practice which provides therapy and hypnotherapy for a broad range of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD and dissociative disorders. He has spent the past 37 years working in private practice, specialising in various areas of psychological trauma. Sandy regularly provides psychological and intellectual assessments, as well as providing assessment, diagnosis and treatment to children, teenagers and adults. He has also provided medico-legal reports and given expert witness testimony.

He has taught, trained and supervised numerous psychology students/trainees. From 1988 to 2010, Sandy took on two students every two years for supervised experience towards full registration. This took place while also having at least two students each year for minor placements, agency visits and third year university psychology students on placement. Sandy was asked to be an examiner/assessor for a Dissociative Disorders Master’s thesis, because of his expertise in that field. He was also a lecturer in the Diploma of Clincal Hypnotherapy for many years.

Apart from being a husband to Teresa, father to two daughters and running a busy private practice, Sandy has also authored, co-authored and published many books;

  • Raising Happy Kids
  • Risking on Purpose
  • Being Safe – The Basic Essentials

These have been written with parents and teachers in mind, offering skills and strategies to help with children’s behaviour and development.

  • Zing and Zipp, The Troggs of Wongo Wongo Wood
  • Nolly and Groogle, The Gillows of Crimply Creep
  • Listen

These have been written to teach children and young adults skills in Protective Behaviours (a programme established in the 1980’s and run throughout primary schools in South Australia to provide skills in dealing with many abusive situations).

Psychologists can help with issues you are facing and improve your life. Sandy can tailor a consultation process to suit your needs, and help guide and support you through change. This is offered in both a confidential and non-judgmental environment. Everyone may encounter life difficulties and these can be overwhelming and confusing. There are many reasons that we may benefit from seeing a psychologist. It may be a specific distressing situation, or we may face difficult decisions, either at work or home. We may feel we are not living to our full potential and/or may be seeking to make changes in our life.

Providing Assistance

Sandy’s areas of expertise include:

  • Hypnotherapy
  • Depression
  • Anxiety and Phobias
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing)
  • Lifestyle changes, ie, weight, smoking
  • Relationship difficulties
  • Stress management and managing emotions
  • Personal growth
  • Child/youth issues, including learning difficulties
  • Effective Parenting
  • Intellectual and Vocational Assessments
  • WorkCover, Motor Vehicle Accidents and Third Party claims
  • Pain management
  • Grief counselling
  • Dissociative Disorders, specialising in Dissociative Identity Disorder

And much more.

What is EMDR?

EMDR, or Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing, is a structured therapy developed in 1987 by psychologist Dr. Francine Shapiro and is recommended for the treatment of PTSD and other traumas. EMDR encourages the patient to briefly focus on the trauma memory while simultaneously experiencing bilateral stimulation (typically eye movements), which reduces the vividness and emotion associated with those memories. It focuses directly on the memory and is intended to change the way that the memory is stored in the brain, thus reducing or totally removing symptoms.

What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a form of psychotherapy in which the subconscious mind is accessed to solve problems, cope with stress, change bad habits, or deal with depression. Under hypnosis, the mind and body are in a heightened state of learning, allowing the client to be more susceptible to suggestions for self-improvement or changing behaviour. Unlike what is seen on stage, a hypnotherapist cannot make a person say or do things involuntarily. The client remains aware of everything. Hypnotherapy is safe and beneficial for people of all ages and allows a person to be more open to discussion and suggestions.


Over the years, Sandy has been a speaker and presented workshops in Australia, the United States, England and Turkey.

Sandy has given numerous presentations over the years and have included

  • Treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorders (DID)
  • Presentation to psychiatrists regarding DID
  • Creating Fun, Laughter, and Play with your Children
  • Happiness Workshops


Sandy’s fee will be discussed prior to your consultation and is payable on the day. He does not Bulk Bill.

Private health insurance may cover a proportion of his fee; however, some health insurances may require a medical referral to be obtained before seeing a psychologist.

A referral (called a Mental Health Care Plan) is essential to be eligible for a rebate under Medicare.

Government gazetted rates are established and are used for all WorkCover/third party claims, such as motor vehicle accidents, and invoices will be sent to the relevant participating insurance company.